Workshop Servicing
Don’t wait, get slope-ready for 2022 by getting your ski’s and board’s serviced with us. All our facilities are on site, just drop them off and we’ll let you know when they’re ready to be picked up!"*
*Please note there is a 7 day turnaround for all workshop servicing
What’s Included?
Full Tune.
This is for the boards/skis that have deep gouges taken out of them. The base and gouges are cleaned up from any dirt and small objects.
After which the gouges are then filled in with P-tex and left to bond. The excess P-tex is scraped off to bring the base level and the base is
ground flat, as well as the edges sharpened. A hot wax is then applied, left to cool down, scraped off, buffed and polished.
Edge Only.
This is to clean the edges and sharpen them up, we don't do anything else to the skis. If you wish for your edges to be at certain angles, don't
hesitate to speak to the technician.
Edge and Wax.
The edges are sharpened up and a light base ground to sharpen the edges on the bottom, which also removes small scratches. Base is then
cleaned, left to dry after which a hot iron wax is applied and left to cool down. It is then scraped off, buffed and polished.
Patch Repairs.
This is for damage done to the base that is too big to be filled in with P-tex. The affected area is cut out and cleaned up. A new piece is cut out,
epoxyed in and left to set. After it has set, it is then ground flat. This is normally done alongside a edge and wax or full tune. All patch prices are
based on the severity of damage. Speak to a technician on 012437 88506 for more information.
Base Grind.
This is to help flatten the base out. Useful if you have been hand tuning your edges and the edges are no longer flat with the base.
Please note: It is not advisable to do to many of these as it will thin out the base too much.
Edge Repairs.
When the edge has been dented in and no longer runs in line with the rest of the edge. This section is then cut out and replaced with a new piece. This will normally require a patch to be done as the section of base needs to be cut out to remove the damaged edge. An edge and wax or full tune is normally required with this work.
Got a Special Request?
If you have any specific requirements for example certain angles for the sides or base edges. Please let us know when you are booking your
ski/snowboard in. Some of these may need to be done by hand, which requires more time so may incur an extra charge.
All patches and base repair prices are based on the severity of damage. Speak to a technician on 012437 88506 for more information.